Monday, February 27, 2023

Fox Is A Dangerous Farce

By Zamboni

Snow is coming tonight! Finally, after weeks of springlike silliness, winter is hitting us... and it's almost March. Plus there's more forecast for later this week. So weird. Don't tell us climate change isn't real.

Meanwhile, today's big story is a court filing in the Dominion v. Fox "News" case, in which Rupert Murdoch, the only man who's done more damage to American democracy than Donald Trump, testified that Fox's "election fraud" lies were — well, lies. Not only that, but Fox shared Joe Biden's campaign ads with Jared Kushner, before they aired.

Can we all just agree now that none of us should have to pay our cable stations for a package that includes Fox? Who wants to volunteer to start the drumbeat?

Yet there's one consoling thought. In spite of some observations that "It is hard to overstate how much of an advantage it is to have your opponent's ads in advance during a close election," Biden still beat Trump by seven million votes. That's how badly Dark Brandon humiliated Benedict Donald. Really badly. We cats PURR.

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