Friday, February 24, 2023

Love Trumps Hate, But Make Republicans Own This

By Sniffles

In a headline that would make the Greatest Generation never stop throwing up, anti-Semitic groups across the US have declared tomorrow a "National Day of Hate." Gee, we just saluted the victors at Iwo Jima yesterday, and now, neo-Nazi types are proudly flying the flag of one of the defeated Axis powers. Ugh.

We're torn between not wanting to give these awful people attention and spreading the news as a warning to our Jewish (and other minority-representing) friends and loved ones. Ultimately, it's probably best to acknowledge and respond — and then hang these haters around Republicans' necks for years to come.

So please take note of the banner that the Nazi on the left is holding in this photo. (It's important because they're already trying to gaslight people into blaming Biden and "antifa" for this event.) And get those campaign ads ready, so every Republican in America has to either support hate or condemn it. We cats HISS.

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