Thursday, February 2, 2023

Omar, Out In The Cold

By Sniffles

We're not sure what House Republicans accomplished today when they voted to boot Rep. Ilhan Omar off the Foreign Affairs Committee. The Squeaker of the House (for he's as timid as a mouse) Kevin McCarthy appeased his lunatic caucus with one of the most Inside Baseball of all Inside Baseball moves — will it really matter to regular folks who don't follow politics? — but the spectacle didn't exactly work in his favor.

Not only did the anti-Omar campaign bring Democrats (and plenty of Republicans we follow on Twitter) together in solidarity, it gave members like Adam Schiff, Jan Schakowsky, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Eric Swalwell the chance to give some pretty great speeches. (Omar, too.) So perhaps the story will penetrate beyond the Beltway — but not in the way McCarthy intended. The GOP looks just like what it is: petty and small.

Meanwhile, McCarthy has elevated the "Jewish space laser" lady to positions of influence, let Paul Gosar slide on his AOC death threats, and refuses to ban guns on Capitol Hill. Fun times, folks.

What idiocy is next? Here's a guess: The GOP will jump back on the climate-change-isn't-real-because-it's-so-cold-out bandwagon. Of course, that's only if they pay attention to what's happening in Canada, which they might not know how to find on a map. But tonight, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and the Maritimes are set for some record-breaking temperatures and wind chills these next couple of days.

Sorry, MAGA, but weather isn't climate. Maybe, though, the cold will discourage some of those crazy "Freedom Convoy" nutjobs from returning to Ottawa this month. Authorities won't be quite as indulgent about their hot tubs this time. We cats PURR.

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