Sunday, February 12, 2023

Klaatu Barada Nikto

By Zamboni

We cats will be really annoyed if alien invaders arrive before Donald Trump is indicted. Talk about pushing important news off the front page — and the Trump indictment is the story we've been waiting for most. However, with the recent subpoena of Mike Pence, it's probably not out of bounds to assume that Jack Smith is reaching the end of his investigation. Won't be long now, kids!

But just this afternoon, another "unidentified aerial phenomenon" ("UAP") — thanks, but we really prefer UFO — has been shot down over Lake Huron, so it seems that something is going on. Let's just assume that whatever the Biden Administration has to announce, that news will step all over the "weaponization of the government" hearings that House Republicans have been embarrassing themselves with.

See, the thing is, these UFOs and spy balloons and flying octagons are a Trump scandal. It's been pretty plain that Benedict Donald allowed America's adversaries to fly whatever they wanted in our airspace. He loved the world's dictators so much that it's obvious, at least to us, that he let them to spy on us. But you have to wonder: Why have these flights continued, two years after Trump's departure?

Whatever the answer to that, Trump compromised this country — or allowed it to be compromised — from the first minutes of his tainted, traitorous, scandalous Presidency. These UAPs are just more of the Trumpy rot that we have yet to uncover. There's still so much to find out, and we cats HISS.

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