Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another Terror Target Named Cole

By Miss Kubelik

So Congressman Weiner has resigned and the stock market has, um, gone up a little. Related?

Whatever. We cats are occupied with slightly weightier matters today. It appears that while still in office — a dark, awful time whose reverberations still continue — the Bush Administration told the CIA it wanted dirt on one Juan Cole, a university professor and vocal critic of the invasion of Iraq.

We're sorry to say that we're hardly surprised. After all, these Bushies are the same people who considered outing a covert CIA agent "fair game." All because her husband objected to the same illegal, lie-based war, and even though a previous Republican President had called such outings traitorous.

As E.B. White once observed, "We grow tyrannical fighting tyranny. The most alarming spectacle today is...Americans beginning to accept the device of loyalty oaths and witchhunts."

He said that during the rampage of Joseph McCarthy. But alas, it is still true today.

(IMAGE: Our fondest wish.)

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