Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Only Grownup In The Room

By Zamboni

We cats are getting mixed signals. On the home page of POLITICO, we see teabagger nutcase Herman Cain claiming that President Obama is "not a strong black man." Just above it is Mark Halperin falling all over himself to apologize for calling the President, um, the name of a famous sporting goods store. Why? Because the President was assertive in his recent press conference.

We will treat Cain with the disdain he deserves by ignoring him. (Although it's hilarious that, post-bin Laden, he'd dare criticize the President for being too "timid" to "make the right decisions.") But Halperin's another story. And no, that lame excuse about the seven-second delay doesn't fly.

You know, after two years of Republicans and right-wing maniacs working hard every day to de-legitimize a decisively elected Democratic President, we don't need journalists' disrespect feeding into that. In fact, the teabaggers' constant assaults on Obama could very well have helped enable Halperin's lowered discourse. Either way, everybody needs to cut it out.

Halperin is so remorseful we half expect him to see him crawling up to the North Portico over broken glass, begging for forgiveness. But since we're certain it's only because he's worried about losing money on a second Obama book, we cats HISS.

(PHOTO: AP / Charles Dharapak)

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