Friday, June 17, 2011

Still One Republican To Go

By Zamboni

Looks like the New York state senate has delayed a vote on marriage equality until Monday. Which means that somebody's going to have a really interesting weekend.

We don't know if that's going to be a wavering Republican or the one Democratic state senator who is opposed. But we have to confess we're mystified about something.

Why, oh, why is there such a hullabaloo about protections in the bill for religious institutions? Nobody ever has held a gun to the head of a clergy member and forced him or her to perform a same-sex marriage ceremony. We cats find this objection disingenuous in the extreme. Aside from the fact that marriage is a matter for civil law, and only civil law — and always has been.

The foot-dragging and backward thinking over marriage equality just makes our furry little heads explode. But instead of SNARLING and HISSING, we'll try to settle down for a nap — and hope for the best on Monday.

(IMAGE: Goodness gracious. Has anyone noticed that there are two women on the New York state flag?)

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