Monday, June 6, 2011

Rick Santorum Running for President

By Miss Kubelik

We cats feel so bad for Rick Santorum.

How unlucky can he get? He officially declared that he was a candidate for President on the same day that a contrite Anthony Weiner came clean on his racy Twitter habit. You will see no Santorum coverage today — it'll be all Weiner, all the time. So we decided give Santorum the headline on this post. There you go, Rick! Feel better!

Meanwhile, in no particular order of importance, we have these Weiner-related observations.

We agree with the Congressman that what he did was "dumb," and we wish that men we admire (and yes, it's always men) would cut it out. But at least, unlike Republicans who have been caught visiting prostitutes, cheating on their wives, or soliciting sex in public bathrooms, he doesn't lecture other people on how they should live their lives.

Why does Andrew Breitbart feel the need to say that he's "seen a lot of Congressman Weiner's body" and that "he's in very good shape"? Hmmmm!

The Congressman submitted to 40 minutes of questions this afternoon from an unruly crowd of journalists. More than the infamous quitter from Alaska has done in her entire life, we suspect.

We also believe that Congressman Weiner, for all his faults, at least knows the actual facts behind Paul Revere's ride.

Finally, we respectfully suggest to Congressman Weiner that he spend the next few weeks walking the streets of his district, talking face-to-face wtih his constituents. If they don't have a problem with him, perhaps the rest of us shouldn't, either. Kind of like the voters of Louisiana, wouldn't you say?

(IMAGE: Congressman Weiner's shocking photo, "Me and The Pussies." Seems to us that he has his priorities straight. We cats approve.)

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