Monday, June 20, 2011

Maybe Keith Olbermann Will Have Something to Say About This Tonight

By Miss Kubelik

Oh, good heavens, here's another reason to hate golf — as if we didn't have enough already.

Golf is a ridiculous, elitist game played by Republicans in bad pants and one which we devoutly wish President Obama would give up. And now, thanks to this silly video promoting this weekend's U.S. Open, right-wing maniacs have their knickers in a twist. NBC edited out "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance! The world is ending!

Actually, we cats find it much more objectionable that NBC also chose to delete the word "indivisible." It's good to remind Rick Perry and other secessionists that that term is an important part of the Pledge. And it was there long before "under God" ever was. ("Under God," as we've explained before, is a sad relic of the Cold War and should be dropped.)

NBC should be ashamed of itself. Not for what they left on the cutting-room floor, but for trying to equate the principles upon which our nation was founded

Pardon us. We cats are about to hack up a hairball.

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