Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sh*t Heard 'Round the World

By Zamboni

We cats don't understand. If the right wingers are so fanatic about what they call our "foundational freedoms," why don't they know them better?

Michelle Bachmann said that the battle of Lexington and Concord, in which the first shots were fired in the American Revolution, took place in New Hampshire.

The infamous quitter from Alaska screwed up the midnight ride of Paul Revere, and then claimed that she didn't. All righty, then.

Herman Cain thinks that "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is in the Constitution.

As Mrs. Malaprop would say, if the Founders were alive today, they'd be spinning in their graves. We're just wondering how conservative Republican public-school teachers feel when they read this crap. (If, of course, there are any left.)

(IMAGE: The Telegraph, where writers must be laughing uproariously at Republicans' ignorance of the basic facts of American history.)

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