Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho

By Sniffles

There's a growing consensus among the punditocracy regarding last night's Republican non-extravaganza.

It was a big victory for Michele Bachmann. But not so much for Tim Pawlenty. (Both of these developments could provide an opening for the secessionist from Texas to jump in.)

Herman Cain's star seems to have faded a tad, as he failed to build on his good performance in the South Carolina debate that nobody attended. (Which supports the meme that, as he's gotten more coverage, Cain is increasingly viewed by Republicans as attractive but lacking in substance.)

Mitt Romney didn't damage himself, which fits his marathon man strategy. (But he didn't do anything to brush away the yippy dogs that are snapping at his pants legs.)

Santorum, Paul and Gingrich did nothing to change their respective narratives. And — Jon Huntsman who?

All in all, a pretty satisfactory evening for us Democrats. We're wondering what the emergence of Bachmann will do to that other empty-headed brunette — and to the accepted "wisdom" over the last couple of days that the Republicans would embrace a winnable candidate rather than one who would pass a 100 percent purity test.

Hm. Somehow, we cats don't buy that "wisdom." Therefore, we PURR.

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