Thursday, December 29, 2011

The First Freeper, Fretting

By Zamboni

Okay, we admit it: When we cats get lazy (or when we have a work deadline looming, like today), we beam into our nutty right-wing friends over at Free Republic for some quick n' easy amusement.

But this morning we actually were wondering: How are they handling Willard Mitt Romney's supposed surge in Iowa? (We say "supposed," because caucuses are notoriously hard to predict and as we all know, it ain't over until Virginia Foxx sings.)

The answers range from defiance to desperation. "Between this and the new Gallup Poll we are screwed," laments one. "I pray for our nation."

But the most virulent expressions of dismay come from Jim Robinson, the Romney-hating creator of the site. Of course, what else can you expect from a guy whose signature bears the following parenthetical phrase: "Rebellion is brewing!! Impeach the corrupt Marxist bastard!!"? This is a man who likes his exclamation points.

To that end, we'll entertain you with some of the choicer Robinson spews. Back later with more Freeper madness.

"A pro-abortion Reagan denier, Romney crossed the aisle to promote abortion, gay rights, gun-control, liberal judges and advocated for and actually installed a socialist healthcare system (RomneyCare) which became the model and impetus for ObamaCare... Oh, yeah, he saved the Olympics (but kicked the Boy Scouts out due to their clean and wholesome policies, i.e., no homosexual scout masters)."

"Massachusetts shares a border with a hostile communist state. Wait a minute. Massachusetts is a hostile communist state, thanks to Governor Romney and RomneyCare."


"If Romney is the best the Republican party has to offer, then I’m no longer a Republican. Romney will not be promoted on FR! Not on my watch!!"

"It says right at the top of [my] page: 'Welcome to Free Republic, America’s exclusive site for God, Family, Country, Life & Liberty conservatives!' Romney doesn’t fit the bill."

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