Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Willard, Worried

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are having so much fun with the 2012 Republican clown college right now.

They are so screwed up — what with the putative frontrunner whom nobody loves deflating in the polls, and the most ethically challenged House Speaker in history apparently surging. This delicious scenario does not take into account the whacky lady from Minnesota who is stopped dead in her tracks by an eight-year-old boy. Nor does it include the former Senator from Pennsylvania who, mysteriously, seems to know all about the value of gay sex. Hm.

So. What's next? While this is not very risky to say, we cats predict that the upcoming Republican polls will continue to show Willard Mitt Romney's national numbers dropping, and Newt Gingrich's and Ron Paul's (remember him?) rising.

If this happens, then we'll look for new polls in Nevada and Michigan. If either show a similar Romney decline, they will cause a real stir, punching serious holes in Romney's carefully constructed campaign firewalls. At which point Mitt will be forced to dip into his (really-not-so-deep) campaign treasury — or, finally, write a check of his own — to boost campaign spending, particularly in Iowa, South Carolina, Florida and maybe even Michigan, Nevada and Arizona.

Upshot? Everyone will know they're panicking.

We cats wonder if the Romney campaign would then be so bold as to claim that Newt is indeed the frontrunner and that Willard — after years and years and years of running for this office — is just a humble underdog.

We're happy to wait and see. In the meantime, we PURR.

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