Sunday, December 18, 2011

They Got Rhythm?

By Zamboni

We cats have something disgusting to ask, but we think it's a legitimate question. Do Newt and Callista Gingrich practice birth control?

Why is this anybody's business? Lots of reasons. First and foremost, because Newt Gingrich has made such a big deal out of his conversion to Catholicism and how much that's allegedly helped him turn around his life.

Second, the last we checked, the only birth control that the shriveled old men in dresses up at the Vatican allow is the rhythm method.

Third, Newt Gingrich married Callista Bisek 11 years ago, when he was 57 and she was 34. Where are the children?

Since the Republicans wear their religion on their sleeves — and would love to impose it on the rest of us — we think the world should know: Do Newt and Callista do it only one week a month? Do they disobey the church and use some other contraceptive? Or — gasp — do they not have sex at all? (Because it would mess up Callista's golden orb, you know.)

Do they or don't they? Only Callista's hairdresser may know for sure.


The Cranky Copywriter said...

That's a great question and the kind that the news outlets never ask. I wondered the same thing about
George and Laura. She only gave birth once. to twins. I am sure she is fertile, so how come?

The Cat's Meow said...

Exactly! We don't understand why the lamestream media don't ask these questions when the Republicans have made it so clear that they want to impose their religious beliefs on all Americans... therefore, their behavior is subject to public query. Is this a case in which the Famous Quitter from Alaska is right? That the media ARE lame? We cats think maybe yes.

Anonymous said...

We already know she does sinful Breakfast BJs for Tiffanys, so I'll bet she also had many abortions to keep her human blow up doll figure. Would love it if someone's cat punctured her balloon exterior and let her holy hot air out! The presstitutes should definitely hound the "Catholic" Gangrenes over their sinful childfree lifestyle.

-- Heil Mary