Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Donald al-Fayed

By Zamboni

Such an eventful Benedict Donald week, and it's only Tuesday. Russia's favorite American asset and his spawn have been protested against, snubbed, winked about, mocked, derided and booed in London. We haven't even gotten to the beaches of Normandy yet — but it's dawned on us that when Barack Obama visited the UK, nobody trotted out an effigy of him sitting on the toilet. Hm.

And Obama's tux fit him a lot better. (We've now decided that Trump doesn't just hate him because he's black. He also hates Obama because he's thin.)

But here's a take on the Trump trip that's gotten our attention: The younger members of the House of Windsor denied Donald what he wanted most — a glam-glam photo op. Apparently that "nasty" Duchess of Sussex prevailed upon Harry, William and Kate to dodge any direct Trumpy contact (and, interestingly, the Queen allowed it). Which must really rankle because, it is averred, Benedict Donald is "obsessed with his reputation among the British royal family."

Folks in the media may draw parallels between this and Trump's preoccupation with the power brokers of Manhattan — who, for decades, have looked down on him as a crook and a parvenu. But we cats instantly thought of somebody else: Mohamed al-Fayed.

Dodi's dad always longed to be welcomed into the inner royal circles. But even though he owned Harrod's and, famously, the Ritz in Paris, and kibitzed with the uppah-uppahs at Ascot, the British establishment never accepted him. Once his hapless son put Diana in that Mercedes with a drunk driver, al-Fayed's star crashed and burned forever — but it was never that bright to begin with.

Trump would not like the comparison, since al-Fayed is a Muslim. But he, too, will never get the respect he craves from the elites of the world. His fan base probably thinks he doesn't care — but oh, brother, how he does. Just look at his face as he Frankenstein-walks in that really bad tux, and you know how miserable he is. We cats PURR.

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