Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Happy 100th, Nineteenth!

By Miss Kubelik

Did you think that we cats would ignore the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment? On this date in 1919, both chambers of Congress passed what would ultimately become the Constitutional amendment guaranteeing American women's right to vote.

This is no small thing. The right to vote clearly demarcates full-fledged citizens from second-class ones, as women and people of color would tell you loud and clear. That's why suffragettes fought and endured torture for enfranchisement, and why the civil rights movement was centered around it — and why the Republican Party is engaging in voter suppression today. (They know they can't win unless they keep people from the ballot box.)

In a time when democracy is imperiled, we should all take a moment to savor the 19th Amendment — and appreciate that while many battles are won, they must be continually safeguarded. We cats PURR.

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