Saturday, June 29, 2019

GOP Goes Back To Birtherism

By Baxter

After her standout performance at the Democratic debate the other night, tweeps have been buzzing about how badly Kamala Harris would destroy Benedict Donald in a one-on-one-match-up in 2020. We don't know how to break this to everybody, but it's not a given that Trump will debate next year — no matter who the Democratic nominee is.

The Trumpsters do seem to be scared of Harris, though. Why else would chinless Donald Jr. post a racist birther tweet about her? Sure, he deleted it, but he accomplished his mission: He injected the topic into the national political conversation. And the other Democratic Presidential candidates — Joe Biden included — quickly condemned it.

We don't care how black, or not black, Senator Harris is. She is a person of color and, as we all saw, can speak to that experience with great effectiveness. She makes us PURR.

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