Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Lest We Furr-get Again: More Nixon Nostalgia

By Zamboni

We cats want to preface this post by saying that the Trumpsters' efforts to rig the census is a really big deal.

No, the census is not sexy, but pay attention: To manipulate it by adding a citizenship question — which will have huge ramifications for federal funding, redistricting and Congressional representation — is serious beyond belief. The Trumpsters claim that they need it to better enforce the Voting Rights Act, but they really want it so they can suppress more Democratic votes. (And in case you haven't noticed, the Supreme Court ripped the heart out of the VRA in 2013.)

So — okay, are we agreed? We all need to rise up and stop this vile administration of mobsters, grifters and thieves from stealing democracy away. Call your representatives and tell them that you won't stand for Trump and the DOJ claiming executive privilege on documents related to the census. (The Capitol Hill telephone number is 202-224-3121.)

Meanwhile, on the heels of John Dean's testimony on Monday, another thought about Richard Nixon.

In June 1974, as Watergate was closing in, Nixon took a trip to the Middle East to try to shore up his numbers. (Our skeptical take — can you blame us?) He went to Egypt — that's him with Anwar Sadat, above — Israel, Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia. And you know what? The trip did kind of help him, at least a little bit. At the end of the month, his approval rating among his base ticked up — and his disapproval numbers, at least, stayed steady.

Compare that with Benedict Donald's recent disaster of a visit to the UK and France. Now that that's in the history books, Trump has come home to some dismal numbers from his own internal pollster — which he first lied about, but now claims he disbelieves.

Nixon, of course, was gone by August — a bare few weeks after his Mideast junket. What does the future have in store for Trump? We have no idea, but like the Speaker of the House, we hope it includes getting hauled off to the hoosegow. We cats HISS.

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