Saturday, June 22, 2019

Question Of The Day (Week, Month, Year)

By Hubie and Bertie

We cats are not especially fond of small humans (only kittens), but what's going on in those concentration camps (YES, CONCENTRATION CAMPS) at the border is outraging and depressing us. Thank God for fearless members of Congress like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has no trouble calling a spade a spade.

Children are being traumatized and abused by the United States of America. Or should we call it the United States of Trump? Because Benedict Donald and his merry band of haters are having a really good time torturing people of color. They are committing, no joke, human rights abuses. And nobody's lifting a finger to stop them.

Meanwhile, another rape allegation has surfaced against Trump, and we'll never walk into a department store dressing room again without thinking about it. But somehow, it's caused barely a ripple in the Zeitgeist. How is this possible?

Or, as The Philadelphia Inquirer's Will Bunch has asked:

"How did America get from impeaching a POTUS over a blow job to having a President who's a credibly accused rapist overseeing dehumanizing concentration camps while coming within minutes of starting a war and it's like, whaddya gonna do?"

We cats HISS.

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