Monday, June 10, 2019

Lest We Furr-get: A Day Of Dean

By Sniffles

Benedict Donald and his merry band of traitors are so awful that they make us pine nostalgically for Richard Nixon. Today was another reminder of why the early 1970s were, in many ways, the golden years: Matt Gaetz hadn't been born.

John W. Dean III's testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, though, as showboat-y as it allegedly was, did appear to rattle the Russian asset sitting in the White House. "When you look at past impeachments, whether it was President Clinton, or I guess President Nixon never got there — he left," Trump said, with his usual incomprehensible syntax. "I don’t leave. Big difference."

Well! There you have it, America. Plenty of folks, including Michael Cohen (another lawyer who advised a criminal president and ended up in jail for it), have openly speculated that Trump will not willingly leave office. And now Trump has basically confirmed it. Whether by impeachment (which could happen) and conviction by the Senate (which won't), or by electoral defeat in 2020 (which Uncle Vladdie will work his butt off to prevent), Benedict Donald will not be calling the Mayflower moving vans to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Brief historical note: For those of you as young as or younger than the ever-buffoonish Gaetz, a Mayflower van actually did stop in front of the White House during live TV coverage on the night Nixon resigned. It was purely a coincidence, but the crowds gathering in Lafayette Square had fun with it anyway.

Nixon may have briefly considered some extra-constitutional gambit to stay in office, but in the end he rejected it. The nation may not be so lucky this time. We suggest that experts, historians and scholars start researching what remedies would be available should we face that in late 2020 or early 2021. In the meantime, we'll work on winning the damn election in the first place. That would make us PURR.

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