Thursday, June 6, 2019

Some Thoughts On D-Day 75

By Hubie and Bertie

Well, everyone, this was it — surely the last milestone D-Day anniversary that will host folks who were actually there. Maybe there will be a centenarian or two at the 80th commemoration, who knows? But let's just hope that no world leader gives another politically charged interview to Nazi broadcasters against a backdrop of Allied soldiers' graves — ever again.

Since America happens to be governed right now by criminals and mobsters, let's look elsewhere for our inspiration today: Here is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, born 27 years after Normandy, greeting Canadian D-Day vets at Juno Beach. More than 1,000 of our Neighbors to the North died liberating that beach on June 6, 1944, playing a key role in the success of the invasion.

Meanwhile, how things have changed: The German Chancellor attended this week's events as a stalwart defender of democracy — and the Russian dictator, an erstwhile World War II ally who is doing everything he can to destabilize Europe, was absent. But one of his foreign ministry lackeys just had to use the anniversary to declare that D-Day "did not have a decisive impact on the outcome of World War II...It had already been predetermined as a result of the Red Army's victories."

Hmmm. Now we know where Benedict Donald got not only his presidency, but his manners. We cats HISS.

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