Thursday, June 13, 2019

Party Of Quislings

By Miss Kubelik

We cats would say something about the pending departure of Sarah Huckabee Sanders from the White House, but since she hasn't held a press briefing in a couple of decades, it would be like commenting on a black hole. Sort of like Dorothy Parker's famed if perhaps apocryphal retort when she was told Calvin Coolidge was dead: "How can they tell?"

Betcha Sanders doesn't get replaced. What would be the point?

Meanwhile, even though we're all supposed to be numb from the awfulness of the nation's politics right now, the level of perfidy in the Republican Party continues to astound. Donald Trump has declared to the nation and the world that he would welcome foreign interference in our elections ("Benjamin Netanyahu, if you're listening..."). A bill requiring campaigns to report election sabotage by foreign entities has been blocked by Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). Mitch McConnell is refusing to advance any legislation to protect the integrity of the vote. In the words of Mrs. Malaprop, if the Founders were alive today, they'd be spinning in their graves.

To top it off, an Administration that doesn't believe its own intelligence agencies and is, in fact, actively trying to undermine and demonize them is suddenly blaming Iran for attacks on oil tankers in the Mideast because, they say, our guys have given them intelligence that proves it.

Are there any more Justin Amashes out there? Because we never thought we'd say this — we and Amash agree on almost nothing — but America needs more of him. We cats HISS.

P.S. Off-topic, we know, but we have to ask: Who is Jessica Biel? Besides an idiot, we mean.

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