Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Having Fits Over Fritts

By Miss Kubelik

We cats have been quietly hoping that Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be Red Henned for the rest of her miserable life — kicked out of restaurants because she is a mendacious sinner who makes Jesus weep. After all, it's happened to her before.

But never in our wildest dreams did we think that the fool we blogged about on Saturday would get similarly turned away by an eatery — and it's a Cracker Barrel, folks!

Cracker Barrel isn't our style, so we've never been. The fact that nearly 30 years ago they fired an employee because she was a lesbian just made our unofficial C.B. boycott that much more logical. "The employee is being terminated due to a violation of company policy," the restaurant said in a statement at the time. "The employee is gay."

Fast-forward to 2019, and a Cracker Barrel in Tennessee has just told gay-hater Grayson Fritts he's not welcome there. The restaurant has canceled a Fritts-led church group meeting that had been scheduled on its premises for June 29. "We disagree strongly with their statements of hate and divisiveness," they said.

What's changed? Well, a ton, including the nation's seismic shift on gay rights — but it's boycotts by Americans who are sick of the hate and bile spewed by Trumpsters that have made the difference. Cracker Barrel could see dollar bills flying out their doors if they hosted Fritts. So they made a pre-emptive strike.

There's no doubt that somewhere in the dark corners of the Interwebs, the right wingers and homophobes are mightily fuming about this and screaming "Free speech!" No worries there. Grayson Fritts can shout to the housetops about gays deserving death. And businesses and corporations have the right to decide that appearing to endorse homophobia will hurt their bottom line. We cats PURR.

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