Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Amazing Stories

By Miss Kubelik

It seems like everywhere we cats turn, there are strange happenings in the news. Former Republican governors having children out of wedlock? IMF chiefs sexually assaulting hotel housekeepers? And those are just two. Here are a few more stories that have us tres deconcertants today.

Hot on the heels of Fat Mike Huckabee dropping out of the 2012 Republican clown college, Mr. Triple Combover says he won't run for President, either. Dozens of Trump supporters across the country must be feeling oh, so sad. But that's nothing compared to how depressed thousands of news anchors, TV stations, cable providers, newspaper columnists, radio hosts, bodyguards, direct mail experts, online political consultants, pollsters, printers and event planners must feel.

We never thought that Newt and Callista Gingrich would ever remind us of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, but they do.

Here's a doozy: Right-wing hypocrite and Hampton-outing weasel Rick Santorum now thinks that he, and not John McCain, is an expert on torture. Never mind that John McCain has personal experience with torture. (On the other hand, thanks to McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as a running mate, so do we.) We cats despise it when Republicans like Santorum go so far over the wingnut cliff that reasonable folks like ourselves are forced, even just for a split second, to at least not think totally ill of people like McCain. Like the way George W. Bush made us pine for Nixon.

Lastly, on a lighter note, here's a head-turning moment from PBS's excellent "American Experience" documentary on the 1961 Freedom Rides: Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy saying in May of that year that it was entirely possible that a Negro could someday be elected President. (Three months later, Barack Obama was born.)

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