Friday, May 20, 2011

Blue Elephants

By Sniffles

Perhaps anticipating the spine-tingling announcement from Tim Pawlenty that he's entering the 2012 Republican race for President, speculation abounds that the poor GOP is down in the dumps.

Gee, why would that be? Is it because Republicans have unnecessarily self-immolated on a pledge to kill Medicare — or because their White House candidates comprise a veritable clown college — or that they may lose a slam-dunk special Congressional race next week in western New York? Or all of the above?

Whatever the cause, formerly giddy Republicans who were once so sure that 2010 was a replay of 1994 are suddenly overwhelmed with gloom, certain that 2012 is going to be like 1996 — when Bill Clinton crushed them with 70 percent of the electoral vote.

Hm. We cats aren't overly impressed with all the "history repeats itself" arguments, although heaven knows we love the idea of a second Obama term and expect it to happen. But we could be convinced, because: 1) President Clinton did not kill Osama bin Laden the year before his re-election. 2) Bob Dole, lame as he was, was wildly superior to any of the 2012 Republican contenders. 3) The Republican National Committee back then was not $23 million in debt.

Sorry, GOP. We suggest you get your Prozac prescription refilled.

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