Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dead-Duck Debate

By Baxter

Okay, we cats are really glad we're not President because decisions like this are tough. Good arguments exist, we believe, on both sides. That said, however, here are several reasons that we suspect President Obama made the right call to not release the Osama bin Laden death photos:
  • The famous killer from Alaska, one of the most ignorant people on the face of the planet, thinks he's wrong. (And no, although we are felines we're not impressed that she used the word "pussy.")
  • The President used the term "spike the football." Good metaphor. We hate it when professional athletes showboat.
  • Releasing gory pictures could have negated all the care that the military took to treat bin Laden's body with respect and with sensitivity to Muslim tradition. This is something that we're sure was wise, because the Freepers thought it was horrible.
  • When the right-wing whackjobs (the "deathers") are saying they need proof, what they're really saying is that the military, the CIA and the Department of Defense guys are lying. We thought teabaggers believed that elite personnel like the Navy SEALS were gods and that the military was sacrosanct. Hm.
  • We still believe Leon Panetta was right: The photos will come out inevitably. But not tomorrow. Maybe in 50 years? As we cats have nine lives, we can afford to wait.

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