Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Running At The Mouth

By Miss Kubelik

Just because Newt Gingrich tweeted his candidacy for President today doesn't mean that he gets to hog the stupid-statement spotlight to himself. (Even though, yes, we cats are aware that he once claimed his patriotism's to blame for all that adultery he committed.)

Let's give Newtie some company by visiting a few other Republicans and the silly things they say.

Here's Ron Paul, who stated in that bizarre GOP debate the other night that drugs should be legal because liberty applies "across the board." Except when it comes to reproductive rights and reproductive health, right, Congressman?

Not to be outdone, Planned Parenthood-hater Mitch Daniels told reporters yesterday that the chances that he could defeat President Obama next year are "quite good." This is the guy, of course, who as White House budget director said that the Iraq war would cost $50-$60 billion. (Guess again, you jackass. It's $1 trillion.)

Then there's the execrable Tom Tancredo, who once called President Obama "a more serious threat to America than Al Qaeda." Luckily, MSNBC's Martin Bashir had enough of an institutional memory to call Tancredo out in the wake of bin Laden's killing. "To follow your logic," Bashir asked, "would you have preferred then the death of the President as opposed to bin Laden?" The former Congressman (and full-time bigot) sputtered and protested, but we cats don't want to know what he was really thinking.

Last but not least, we cats must include the infamous quitter from Alaska, who rarely makes an appearance here these days because, oh, how her star has fallen. But we thought of her when we saw this recent scientific study of black bears. It's the males who are dangerous to humans, not the females. So much for Mama Grizzlies!


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