Saturday, May 7, 2011

Andy Card Lives Up to His Name

By Baxter

He's kidding, right?

Andrew Card, former chief of staff for the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived, thinks that President Obama "has pounded his chest too much" over the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Let us get this straight: The Bushies — who put their idiot President in a flight jacket and had him land a plane on the deck of an aircraft carrier with a big, lying banner in the background about a war they waged on a country that did not attack us — think that silently laying a wreath at Ground Zero and then privately meeting with 9/11 families after killing the guy who murdered their loved ones is "pounding his chest"?

We cats can only conclude that the Republicans are angry and jealous. After all, these are the people who moved their 2004 convention to September in New York City so that they could milk 9/11 dry.

So, wow, what is this "pounding the chest" stuff? Hubris? Arrogance? Or perhaps they're just mad that Barack Hussein Obama got done what they never could?

If we cats had Andrew Card in the same room with us, we'd jump on his lap, dig our back claws deep into his thighs, scratch his face to ribbons, and dump our dirty litter boxes over his head. But since we don't, we'll just have to be content to HISS.

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