Tuesday, April 26, 2016

GOP Elites: Feeling Blue

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are wondering who was in charge of lighting Donald Trump's speech tonight. His eyes and his teeth look blue! Bad, bad advance work. And all the pundits are wondering: Is the GOP consolidating around this buffoon? Here's our take on that.

If you define "GOP" as the people who brought the party to where it is today — control of both houses of Congress, control of a record number of state houses and state legislatures — then the answer is definitely no.

If you define "GOP" as the yahoos whom the powers that be have suckered with ever-greater cynicism since 1964 — then, yes.

Because we think this all will spell doom in November, we cats PURR more than we HISS. And please, Trump campaign: Get rid of that awful lighting. Or, on second thought, don't.

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