Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Everybody Haetz Gaetz

By Zamboni

Did you know that you can submit a request to the Office of Congressional Ethics to have them kick Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz in his fat rear end? It's true! If you're as appalled as we cats are that the little Gaetz turdball thinks he can engage in witness tampering without consequence, just fill out this form.

If Congressional Republicans' behavior to date is any indication, ordinary citizens may very well have to step up to the plate here. Both the GOP leadership and the rank and file wear such blinders when it comes to Trumpy behavior that you wonder if anything will get a rise out of them. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is particularly adept at deflecting questions with the "Gee, I haven't seen what you're talking about" defense. He'll keep doing it as long as he can — but today's Gaetz outrage may have reached straw-and-camel's-back proportions.

Yep, Gaetz's clumsy tweet about Michael Cohen is rapidly heading into firestorm territory, we think. Violating the US Code, Title 18, Crimes & Criminal Procedures §1512, will do that. We're not sure what the next step is, but it would only be right for Gaetz to be censured, kicked off his committees, expelled from Congress, and hauled off to the hoosegow. They can hold a new election in Joe Scarborough's old district and find somebody to represent them who won't break the law.

Finally, a note to all those Trumpsters who are calling Cohen a liar: Big woo. Michael Cohen will not lie tomorrow. If he does, he loses his fabulous plea deal. So take it from us, he'll tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. We cats PURR.

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