Thursday, February 28, 2019


By Baxter

We don't care that teabag Congressman Mark Meadows has people of color in his family. (Strom Thurmond had an illegitimate child with a black woman, you know. Didn't make him any less of a bigot.) And racists always melt down when you accuse them of being racist.

So the first thing that popped into our furry heads when we saw Meadows parading Lynne Patton around at the House Oversight hearing yesterday was... a slave auction. Was it because Meadows forced her to stand there — passive, mute, on display? Was it because it was doubly demeaning that Patton is a woman? Would we have been less troubled if the person Meadows treated as an object had been a man?

The answer is no. Whatever nieces and nephews Meadows may point to, however indignant he might be at being appropriately called out by Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, Meadows is still the man who campaigned on sending Barack Obama "back to Kenya" to the roars of the teabagger crowd. And his Republican Party is still willfully defiant and ignorant on the subject of race, which — if America is to ever grapple with it — requires open-mindedness, empathy and sensitivity.

Oh, and by the way, Lynne Patton is completely and utterly unqualified for that position she holds at HUD. We cats HISS.

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