Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Um, No.

By Zamboni

We cats are clearing our calendars for Thursday at 2:30 PM, when Judge Amy Berman Jackson will haul the odious Roger Stone back into court for being a bad puddy tat.

Not to diminish the seriousness of Stone's latest crime: posting a photo of the judge next to a crosshairs symbol and accusing her of running a Deep-State show trial. Surely right now some Trumpster nut is polishing his guns in blind obedience to Stone's suggestion. We wish Judge Jackson well and urge her to be aware of her surroundings.

People like Stone, who not only believe that they're above rightful consequences that everyone else in the world suffers, are infuriating enough. But when they don't care about the havoc their words might wreak, it's even worse. Remember the dude who mailed explosives to President Obama, Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of Trump? That only happened back in October, but everyone seems to have forgotten about it now.

Today's latest outrage is a nonsensical editorial written by the publisher of the ironically named Linden, Alabama, newspaper, The Democrat-Reporter. Read the full editorial here and see if you can make heads or tails of it. But as silly as it is, it still calls for the KKK to saddle up and string up a few folks. Some MAGA nutcase will take heed, and someone's going to get hurt.

At least the Alabama Press Association has voted to censure the fool who wrote the damn thing. But this kind of stuff makes us sick. We'd suggest that Alabama consider seceding from the union again, but then, that would cost us a Democratic Senator, wouldn't it? Maybe there's hope for the Yellowhammer State after all. We cats will HISS instead.

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