Friday, February 1, 2019

State Of The Lyin'

By Hubie and Bertie

Wow, another State of the Union coming up. We cats won't be watching (we can't stomach Benedict Donald), but we're curious as to how the Speaker of the House will handle sitting behind him.

Will she signal her caucus — perhaps with a white handkerchief to her forehead, a la "Darkest Hour" — whenever Trump lies? If so, that hanky will be fluttering without pause.

It almost makes us nostalgic for SOTUs of years past.

Take, for example, George W. Bush (who once held the title of The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived, before being toppled by Trump) — and that whopper he told about Saddam Hussein, Niger and yellowcake. That was debunked pretty quickly by Joseph Wilson in The New York Times. And what was the Administration's response? They outed Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, as a CIA agent.

How quaint it all seems now. Because while Bush may have told one big lie in that SOTU, Trump's speech on Tuesday will be so jam-packed with falsehoods it will beggar description. But what concerns us most is that not just that we're becoming inured to fibs by Commanders-in-Chief — but that the Bush-Cheney crowd will be getting a pass by comparison.

That, folks, can never happen. This Trump Administration is the stuff of nightmares, but that doesn't make the crimes of the Bushies any less awful. They should all rot in hell, and we cats HISS.

(IMAGE: SOTU, 2003. Check it out: Two war criminals and a child molester. Just sayin'.)

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