Thursday, February 7, 2019

Say A Little Prayer?

By Baxter

The National Prayer Breakfast should not be a thing. Our government is built on the separation of church and state, and not all Americans pray. But this post is actually about reproductive, not religious, freedom.

We cats just find it amazing that evangelicals love Donald Trump so much. And it's disturbing that they're so bent on controlling women — and getting judges appointed who will do that — that they'll ignore the massive foibles of someone who has lived his life as the foulest of libertines.

Do they really think that Donald Trump has never paid for an abortion in his life? It's time for any woman who has consented to a "Trump termination" — with a nifty payoff, no doubt — to come forward and 'fess up. Sure, she's probably got an NDA, but if Trump were to sue over its breach, he'd have to produce a copy. Can't see him doing that. And maybe a Trump-disliking billionaire would agree to foot the woman's legal bills. (Tom Steyer? George Soros? Hey, maybe Coffee Man!)

Well, that's a story we can only (ha, ha) pray to see someday. In the meantime, here's the bottom line about evangelical attacks on a woman's right to choose. Governor Andrew Cuomo said it best in an op-ed yesterday:

"While governments may very well enact laws that are consistent with religious teaching, governments do not pass laws to be consistent with what any particular religion dictates. Thanks to the nation's founders, no elected official is empowered to make personal religious beliefs the law of the land." We cats PURR.

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