Sunday, February 10, 2019

Frank Rich Didn't Have Anything Better To Tweet About Today

By Zamboni

We cats are a little bit tired of people trashing our United States Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand. Sure, she's not our top choice for 2020 (Kamala Harris is), but we're proud to say that Kirsten represents us in Washington.

Usually, it's Al Franken fans who go after her on social media, but this weekend it's Frank Rich, who has annoyed us with a tweet about Senator Gillibrand asking how to eat chicken in Iowa. Apparently, trying to figure out if one should use a knife and fork at a campaign event is the epitome of craven opportunism.

You know what, Frank? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Maybe she just didn't want to get chicken grease on her hands or her clothes. (Maybe she wanted to avoid a terrible photo. Remember Michele Bachmann!) And if it's the utensils that offend, Frank, please recall that both Donald Trump and Bill de Blasio eat pizza with a knife and fork.

But if Frank is going to insist on using the Great Chicken Conundrum to decry Gillibrand's metamorphosis from an A-rated NRA candidate to the fabulous lefty she is today, we cats yawn in his face.

If we didn't allow politicians to evolve, Jim Jeffords and Arlen Specter would have died Republicans. Dick Shelby and Jeff Sessions would still be Democrats. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would be disagreeing with Obergefell v. Hodges. And Robert Byrd would still be in the Klan. Get with it, Frank. We cats HISS.

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