Monday, February 4, 2019

Note To GOP: Be Careful What You Wish For

By Zamboni

We cats admit it: We have no idea what's going to happen in Richmond over the next few days or weeks. But we caution Republicans not to celebrate too much if Governor Ralph Northam and Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax both end up being toast.

That's because Mark Herring is Virginia's Attorney General. He's the next runner-up.

See, this is one of the advantages of Democrats having swept the top three jobs in the Commonwealth. Right wingers may be grinning like Cheshire cats over the potential demise of Northam and Fairfax. But then they'd be stuck with the gay-rights guy, wouldn't they?

Yep, Herring made a name for himself by refusing to defend Virginia's then-ban against marriage equality. Thank goodness, times have changed now. But he sure riled up the nutjobs and the haters in the meantime. (See above: Stupid sign that we tore down and trashed in Prince William County a few years back.)

We hope that Justin Fairfax survives because this whole kerfuffle that's sprung up around him sounds pretty thin. But on the chance that he doesn't, let's just say that we wouldn't mind a Governor Herring one bit. We cats PURR.

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