Monday, February 18, 2019

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Fake Emergency, Day 3

By Zamboni

We cats are busy digging our bomb shelter and stocking up on MREs for the emergency, but we have a few quick observations on the day:

We're so proud that our state, New York, is among the 16 that are suing Benedict Donald over his phony declaration. Even prouder that our former state, the Commonwealth of Virginia, is suing, too. Don't ever think that it doesn't matter who your state Attorney General is.

Were we the only ones who noticed the artful use of the passive tense in the first sentence of Roger Stone's apology to Judge Amy Berman Jackson? While he may realize that threatening the judge could get him hauled off to the hoosegow, his weenie "should not have been posted" mea culpa was no mea culpa at all. Haul him off and gag him, Judge.

Finally, we did not watch Andrew McCabe's "60 Minutes" interview, but we understand that Scott Pelley asked McCabe how he felt about Trump calling his wife a loser. Here's what McCabe should have said:

"Well, Scott, it was painful. But the pain I felt is, I'm sure, nothing compared to the pain the First Lady feels hundreds of times every day, when the subject of her husband's serial adultery and serial payoffs to mistresses comes up for public discussion — and when 'Mar-A-Lardass' trends on Twitter." We cats PURR.

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