Sunday, August 4, 2019

A Boost From Beto

By Sniffles

Here's how you know the slaves-to-the-NRA Republicans are floundering: On El Paso and Dayton, they can't get their excuses straight. Benedict Donald and his noisome spawn seem to be adopting the "mental health" defense — never mind that Trump reversed an Obama-era order denying gun ownership to the mentally ill. Yahoos like Kevin McCarthy and the lieutenant governor of Texas are blaming "video games." (Message to Quentin Tarantino: Brace yourself, friend, you're next.)

Yep, the right wingers are all over Twitter, sputtering and foaming and defending our white nationalist "President." GOP Chair Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel is particularly incensed that Beto O'Rourke cut his travels short and headed to El Paso. "Politicizing" a shooting to try to rescue his campaign! Horrors!

Um. Beto O'Rourke is from El Paso. When he was in Congress, he represented that district. How stupid-slash-desperate can Ronna get? We bet money she used to criticize Barack Obama for not rushing back to Chicago every time the murder rate shot up.

We don't know if Beto thought his trip home would help his numbers or not, and we don't really care. His uplifting reports from a city that's rejecting violence and hate have brought a little cheer to our black weekend. Mr. Rogers always said to "look for the helpers." Beto is highlighting them on his Twitter feed today, and we're glad he is. It makes us PURR.

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