Thursday, August 8, 2019

Some Thoughts On The Stephen Miller Administration

By Zamboni

After yesterday's ICE raids in Mississippi, it became clearer than ever that Stephen Miller is President. As Benedict Donald stumbled over to Dayton and then down to El Paso on his "comfort and unite" tour — on which he did no comforting, and no uniting — the federal government rounded up more than 600 immigrants, leaving many children stranded on the streets after the first day of school. Only the odious and wretched Miller could have come up with such an evil plan.

(We also assume that many of those taken in Mississippi yesterday were poultry and other agricultural workers — you know, in those jobs that no Americans want? So, what are those employers doing today? Let's hope some enterprising reporters ask.)

But although Miller's hand is in everything this hideous Administration does, sadly it's the sociopath Trump who is officially occupying the Oval Office. And this week has taught us something about that.

The United States is a democracy that's managed to be successful and lead the world without the participation of all its citizens. Many Americans can afford to tune out politics altogether. They don't watch State of the Union addresses, don't follow the polls or talking heads, and maybe don't even vote. (Actually, make that definitely don't vote.) They've been able to be disengaged because no storm troopers are banging down their doors at night, nobody's putting them on trains, and — until recently — nobody was much threatening them as they went about their daily business.

Now it's different. People who never doubted their safety before are wondering if they'll be next. And people are seeing solid links between Benedict Donald's behavior and Dayton-slash-El Paso.

Everybody can picture themselves at Walmart on a back-to-school shopping day. Everybody, even if they're not Hispanic, can envision a gunman methodically shooting people because of how they look. Russian interference in our elections is more of an intangible, so it's harder for folks to wrap their heads around that. But getting your brains blown out in Aisle 4 by a white dude who drove 600 miles and posted a manifesto about how much he hates you? Yeah, that's real.

So Benedict Donald, the worst person ever to inhabit 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and perhaps ever to have lived on the planet, has just proven something important: It really matters who's President.

Or who we think is President. Remember, when it comes down to terrorizing parents and children who don't look like him, it's Stephen Miller. We cats SNARL.

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