Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Trump's Troops

By Zamboni

This cheerful hater is a 20-year-old geek whose name we won't repeat, but who was arrested last week in Ohio for threatening to shoot up a local Jewish community center after he'd outed himself with a provocative online video. He sure seems pleased to be headed for the hoosegow, doesn't he?

We cats are pleased, too. What still concerns us, however, is that even though a few other neo-Nazi losers have recently been caught planning massacres before they could commit them, there are plenty more of them out there — in a country with hundreds of millions of guns, headed by a sociopath spewing the ultimate in dangerous rhetoric.

It wasn't enough that 22 people in El Paso had to die at the hands of a Trump-repeating manifesto writer. Today, Trump sat in the Oval Office and called the majority of American Jews traitors. Let that sink in.

We say "majority" because more than 70 percent of Jewish Americans support Democrats (which means that, by extension, Trump is calling the nation's oldest political party equally illegitimate and treacherous).

Is there any doubt that Benedict Donald is marching America down the sure path to autocracy? Disloyalty to Donald is disloyalty to the country. L'etat, c'est moi. And somewhere soon, some self-appointed stormtrooper with an assault weapon isn't going to get nabbed like the idiot in Ohio did. He (and it's always a he) is going to kill American Jews in Donald Trump's name — maybe more than in Pittsburgh. Can we impeach Trump then? We cats HISS.

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