Friday, August 9, 2019

"Posing With An Orphan He Made"

By Hubie and Bertie

Two things that are going on right now: climate change and impeachment.

We cats have a big list of stuff we're worried about, and at the top of it is the survival of the American experiment in participatory democracy. Close behind if not neck-and-neck is the deforestation of the Brazilian rainforest. Since Brazil was foolish enough to elect strongman Jair Bolsinaro, the monthly decimation of one of the world's vital natural resources is up by nearly 90 percent.

But for tonight, we're mostly worried about this baby.

Yep, he's the infant who survived the El Paso Walmart massacre because both of his parents died shielding him from the shooter. Benedict Donald and Moose & Squirrel, faced with shooting survivors' refusal to meet with them on Wednesday, summoned the child to be brought to them for this obscene photo op. And the world is throwing up all over it.

We've heard that the baby's father was a Trump supporter. It doesn't matter. What is important is that this child will have years of serious soul-searching ahead of him. Wouldn't you, if you lost your parents because a maniac with an assault rifle drove nine hours to kill them because of what Donald Trump said?

The kid is going to grow up and learn all of this. He'll also learn that the Trump Adminsitration rounded up nearly 700 immigrants in Mississippi on the day this photo was taken, leaving their children abandoned on the first day of school. We don't envy him having to process it. We just hope he has a really good therapist. We cats HISS.

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