Sunday, August 25, 2019

But Her Emails!

By Sniffles

We cats have one question for journalists: What will it take?

When will they finally wake up to the fact that these Trumpsters are out not just to destroy the free press, but American democracy?

"A loose network of conservative operatives allied with the White House is pursuing what they say will be an aggressive operation to discredit news organizations deemed hostile to [Trump] by publicizing damaging information about journalists," The New York Times reports.

These autocrats have gone after journalists from CNN, the Times and The Washington Post, combing through their social media posts and other public statements to discredit anyone who has reported responsibly on the Administration.

This, folks, is what a dictatorship does.

So when will reporters wake up and smell the coffee? They're already not getting regular press briefings from the White House. They've been branded multiple times as "enemies of the state." Now, shadowy Trump-aligned forces are actively trying to annihilate journalists' careers.

Is that enough to get the American media to realize that the future of democracy is at stake? Or will is take a public lynching of a reporter by a mob in MAGA hats to drive the point home? We cats HISS.

(IMAGE: Obama meets the White House press corps. Remember when stuff like this happened?)

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