Thursday, August 1, 2019

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Day After The Debates Edition

By Zamboni

Sorry, team, but we cats don't have much to say about on the last two nights of Democratic infighting (oops, we mean, debates). We're waiting for the field to thin out before we start watching these things. However, there are a few things we've picked up on in the hours since.

Kirsten Gillibrand wins the Line of the Night Award for saying she'd Clorox the Oval Office. Good idea. Steve Bannon's presence alone would have called for a dozen rounds of disinfectant. Amazing that Trump kept him around as long as he did.

There are two candidates in the Democratic field for whom we cats would never, ever vote. And Tulsi Gabbard is both of them.

She's still attacking Senator Kamala Harris on Twitter, and with a big boost from the bots, a pro-Gabbard, anti-Harris hashtag was trending for a bit. No doubt about it — with her support for Putin and Assad, her declaration that the Mueller Report exonerated Trump, and today's tweets, Gabbard is a Putin-Trump plant: the Jill Stein of 2020.

And how freaking bad do things have to get before Democrats attack Trump instead of each other? Do we have to become a full-blown dictatorship first? Any Democrat (except for Tulsi Gabbard) is better than Benedict Donald. So cut it out, everybody.

OTOH, this debate will be forgotten in a month. Maybe less. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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