Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Not A King, Just A Fool

By Zamboni

We cats thought the GOP had already gone off the deep end, defending treason, torture, racism, misogyny and pedophilia. (And if you go back to the George W. Bush years, invading countries that did not attack us.) Now, thanks to Congressman Steve King, add rape and incest to the list. What's next — necrophilia?*

Steve King's latest comment is so bad that even the third-ranking Republican in the House isn't vouching for him. Jeez! When Liz Spawn-of-the-War-Criminal Cheney says it's time to go, it's really time.

It didn't take white nationalism, anti-Semitism or homophobia to turn GOP opposition to King into a groundswell, although they did strip him of his committee assignments. (Probably because they were afraid he'd embarrass them further in Congressional hearings.) But thinking that rape and incest are swell — well, that might just be too much, even for today's Republican Party.

Our instantaneous thought when we heard this latest outrage? Gratitude that our terrific Congressional candidate from 2018, JD Scholten, is running to oppose King again. Send him some love. We cats PURR.

(*Come to think of it, Ted Bundy was a Republican.)

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