Friday, August 16, 2019

What's Next?

By Hubie and Bertie

We cats are very interested in the way the media folks appear to have turned against Benedict Donald. After all, what else is left for them to do, since he's the one in power and the Democrats haven't nominated anybody yet?

So we're hoping that maybe the media won't totally be in the tank for Trump this time around. First because the Democratic Party will not run anybody by the last name of Clinton, and second because people like Rick Wilson and Rick Tyler and Mike Murphy won't be dialing them up and poisoning them against Democratic candidates in 2020.

That's because the Republican Party is split — among the basket of deplorables, the never-Trumpers, and the folks who used to vote GOP but now have to think twice because the party's economic policies aren't benefiting them the way they used to. This is serious for them — and contrasts with the transition that the Democratic Party is undergoing, which is driven by young people who are worried about the planet's survival, and which therefore in the end will be quite benign.

How will the Republican Party eventually self-destruct? Probably in a reversal of its birth. Just as the GOP came into being by unifying the Whigs and the Know Nothings, so will its undoing occur in a divide between reasonable Republicans and the Trump base. We cats cannot wait for that day, and we PURR.

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