Thursday, August 22, 2019

"Buying Greenland" Isn't Wacky — It's Evil

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are seeing a lot of commentary on social media about the "nuttiness" of Benedict Donald. Oh, ho, ho, he's so crazy that he wants to buy Greenland, and because the prime minister of Denmark was "nasty" to him about it, he's canceled a trip to see her. Boo-hoo!

Please, news media and everyone else: Can we stop chortling at this and see it for what it is — an evil international cabal bent on making money off of climate change instead of saving the planet?

From shipping lanes opening up in the Arctic to the melting in Greenland (which will make its rich mineral deposits suddenly accessible), the autocrats of the world, led by Vladimir Putin, are scheming to get richer while Mother Earth burns. "They've been pretty open about their goals," tweeted journalist Sarah Kendzior. "They're not actually climate change skeptics. They're climate change opportunists, and they have no concern for the humanitarian consequences."

So Benedict Donald, who is clearly beholden to Putin in some way, put the buy-Greenland idea out there — not out of the blue, but because Vladdie wanted him to. 

Got that, TV pundits? We don't want to hear another chuckle about Greenland, or see another eyeroll and head-shake over the Danish prime minister. It's not funny, and it's not crazy, damn it. It's frightening.

Okay, one thing that may be amusing to see: how the evangelical Christians are going to justify Trump trying to make a shekel from the destruction of God's creation. In the meantime, we cats HISS.

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