Sunday, March 15, 2020

All Hat, No Cattle

By Zamboni

Well, that didn't take long. Governors across America are telling restaurants and bars (and right before St. Patrick's Day, ouch) to close their doors or only seat half their capacity. And the right wingers are losing their minds.

Just for yuks, we cats looked at the responses to Republican Mike DeWine's tweet that Ohio eateries and watering holes would go dark. "Overreaction!" "How dare you!" "We have rights!" In short, never get between a Trumpster and his Pabst Blue Ribbon en fut. But Milwaukee's own ridiculous "Sheriff" David Clarke takes the cake.

"It is now evident that this is an orchestrated attempt to destroy CAPITALISM," he bleated this evening on Twitter. "First sports, then schools and finally commercial businesses. Time to RISE UP and push back. Bars and restaurants should defy the order. Let people decide if they want to go out.

"GO INTO THE STREETS FOLKS," he continued, really wound up now. "Visit bars, restaurants, shopping malls, CHURCHES and demand that your schools reopen. NOW! If government doesn’t stop this foolishness...STAY IN THE STREETS. END GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES. IF NOT NOW, WHEN? THIS IS AN EXPLOITATION OF A CRISIS."

Well, if Clarke wants to encourage a ton of MAGA maniacs to gather in public spaces and breathe on each other, we won't stop him. But it's interesting that a Casper Milquetoast like Mike DeWine was the one who set him off. He isn't even Clarke's governor.

In many ways, DeWine has been proactive and responsible avatar of the coronavirus response. He was the first governor in the US to close schools, and now he's shuttered the bars and restaurants. He's gunning for daycare centers next. Illinois and California have followed suit on the eateries (with New York, we bet, not far behind). Who would've put "Mike DeWine" and "tough love" in the same sentence before now?

Clarke, meanwhile, is a a loudmouth idiot who's going to get people sick, hurt or worse. He's already nauseating us. We cats hack up a hairball, and we HISS.

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