Monday, March 9, 2020

Nobody Likes Paul Gosar


By Hubie and Bertie

One of the upsides of the CPAC virus (formerly known as the coronavirus) is that it's sent several particularly insufferable Republicans into Purgatory. Paul Gosar, the stupid dentist Congressman from Arizona who is so unlikable that his own siblings ran a campaign ad against him, is one of those. Having shaken the hand of CPAC Patient Zero, he's now self-isolating.

And so is Ted Cruz. Life is good.

Except there's still social media, so Gosar is tweeting away on the assumption that people care what he thinks. His latest musings — "Been thinking about life and mortality today. I’d rather die gloriously in battle than from a virus. In a way it doesn’t matter. But it kinda does" — is turning into an Internet meme. And not in a way he'd like.

Our question for this jackass is this: We're not seeing any military service in your bio, Zippy. When are you signing up? We cats HISS.

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