Monday, March 2, 2020

"Hardball" Turns Soft, Squishy

By Miss Kubelik

Well, the stock market sure seems to like the way all those Democrats — Beto, Mayor Pete, the wily Mormon Harry Reid, Amy, and others — have been endorsing Joe Biden. No joke! Benedict Donald tried to blame the Trump Slump on Wall Street's worries about the Democrats. So by that logic, the markets were obviously thrilled today.

Biden and his endorsers are about to hold a rally together in Dallas, counter-programming to Trump's "show" in North Carolina. (Will he call the coronavirus a "hoax" again?) But as if today were not already dramatic enough, Chris Matthews just announced that he's history.

Matthews's retirement/firing/resignation/whatever from MSNBC was so long in coming. His offenses over the years are too many to list here (although the last straw, as you probably heard, was that #MeToo caught up with him last week). We've long felt that he deserved the heave-ho just for his most annoying habit — interrupting people all the time. He seemed to do it to everyone, not just women, but we'd bet money that he did it to women more often than to men.

It turns out that Matthews could always dish it out, but not really take it. And now MSNBC can hire someone who will let guests finish their sentences. We suggest expanding Nicolle Wallace's show to two hours to start. After that, they can figure out what to do with the other hosts in the run-up to Rachel Maddow at 9 PM. None of those people really thrill us (although Ari Melber is cute).

But one last word in between gloats.

Once a jackass, always a jackass. Matthews handled his exit gracelessly tonight. The shocked look on Steve Kornacki's face gave the game away: Matthews was expected to finish his full "Hardball" hour. And didn't. We can't say we're surprised, but it made the tearful, cringe-inducing tribute Kornacki delivered at the end of the show all the more hairball-hack-worthy — and totally undeserved. These on-air cable personalities take themselves way too seriously. We cats HISS.

(IMAGE: Steve Kornacki's deer-in-the-headlights moment.)

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