Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: (One of Many) Coronavirus Editions

By Hubie and Bertie

Now you know why we cats take so many naps: It's a lot more pleasant than watching the news. Nevertheless, we've been picking up on a few headlines today. Here are some thoughts before we hit the hay again.

We're not Bernie Bros, but we couldn't agree more with our lefty friends that any corporate bailouts (airlines, hotels) must come with stringent conditions, and that the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] cruise lines need to be left out entirely — unless they're willing to change their registration from Liberia, et. al, to the United States.

We're feeling the absence of so many pleasures — going out to eat, getting haircuts, buying toilet paper — but one thing we don't miss is political rallies with carefully curated people standing behind the candidates on the podiums, holding stupid signs. Trump's MAGA "shows" are the worst, of course, but we're all guilty of this. In contrast, Joe Biden's solitary victory speech last night was a model of calm, decorum and good taste. More, please.

And speaking of last night: Maybe it's time for President Gore to talk down Bernie Sanders the way he talked down a defeated Howard Dean in 2004. His message back then: "This is really about the country. It's not about you."

Remember the Onion headline when Barack Obama won the 2008 election right after the financial meltdown? "Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job." If this November goes the way it's starting to look, they'll just have to drop in "Old White Guy" and their work will be done. And we're not the only ones this has dawned on. Here's a tweet from Max Boot, who is definitely not from our side of the political aisle: "So it looks like Joe Biden will be the second Democratic President in a row who will have to deal with the economic carnage that occurred during a Republican administration."

Finally, we cats are joining our fellow members of the animal kingdom in applauding this fact: Much of the environmental destruction that human beings daily wreak has been dented by the pandemic. The water in Venice's canals is clear again. Air pollution in China is down. Maybe the Arctic will stop melting? No doubt about it: The best way to save the planet is for people to be wiped out. But then, who would work the can opener? We cats PURR.

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